Big Bang Empire Wiki

The Advent Calendar is a fun yearly event here in the forums, winning you free prizes and goodies for your avatar. It is available in the forums from 1st December until the 24th December.

To be able to access the advent calendar, you need to have an account at the relevant forum. The US forum is for the US2 and NU1 servers, while the UK forum is for the INT1, UK1 and UK2 servers.

In the forum header, you will find a tab set up for the Advent Calendar.

forum tabs with Advent calendar highlighted

Click on the tab. The app will check to see if you are logged in and if you have Flash running. If you do, you will see the main app screen.

Advent calendar DVD store

As you can see, you are in a porn store, selecting DVD titles. If you have already used a date, you will see a little tag. If you have not, there is a circle with a date on it.

If you have forgotten to apply a used tag, you can click on it to get the code again.

Each day after 9 AM local time, the current date will become live. If it is too early, the app will give you an error message, or ask you to log in again. Just try again later. The date will stay live until the day resets.

When you click on a live tab, you see a screen with your rewards and a coupon code.

Advent calendar getting coupon code

In this case, you have won 30 diamonds! Click on the coupon code and it will be copied to your clipboard automatically.

Now go back to the game, and hover over the Double-Wrenches icon in the lower right.

Double-Wrenches icon for the settings menu

Select COUPON.

Settings menu with Coupon option highlighted

Paste the code into the redemption box.

Redeem voucher pop up from the settings menu

Press the Redeem button, and enjoy your new stuff!

Notification text[]

At the start of Advent season, you may get a notification pop up:

It's finally time! You can open the first door on your Advent calendar!
We've also prepared an Advent calendar with hot surprises for you on the official Big Bang Empire Forum:

Just check the forum every day and click on the "Advent Calendar" tab. Every day, a code will be waiting for you with a guaranteed bonus for your film star. Still here? Check it out right now and find out what's behind the first door!

Note: to use the Advent calendar, you have to log in the forum. If you're not registered yet, you'll have to do that beforehand.

Happy holidays!


How to Use the Advent Calendar -

Advent Calendar Guide -

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